Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Moving On...

Personally, I learnt that how I make sense of love and relationship may change as an individual adds to or integrates ideas within an existing beliefs and perspective and, in fact, this transformation of making sense in meaning occurs routinely through learning. I cannot say that I have learnt it all and I may not be right but I recognised the perspective transformation within me. Perspective transformation leading to transformative learning, however, occurs much less frequently. Mezirow believes that it usually results from a "disorienting dilemma," which is triggered by a life crisis or major life transition, although it may also result from an accumulation of transformations in meaning schemes over a period of time (Mezirow 1995, p. 50).

Making meaning are based upon experiences that can be deconstructed and acted upon in a rational way (Taylor 1998). Mezirow (1995) suggests this happens through a series of phases that begin with the disorienting dilemma. Other phases include self-examination, critical assessment of assumptions, recognition that others have shared similar transformations, exploration of new roles or actions, development of a plan for action, acquisition of knowledge and skills for implementing the plan, tryout of the plan, development of competence and self-confidence in new roles, and reintegration into life on the basis of new perspectives (ibid., adapted from p. 50). As described by Mezirow (1997), transformative learning occurs when individuals change their frames of reference by critically reflecting on their assumptions and beliefs and consciously making and implementing plans that bring about new ways of defining their worlds. His theory describes a learning process that is primarily "rational, analytical, and cognitive" with an "inherent logic" (Grabov 1997, pp. 90-91). 

Hence, it is with such new "rational, analytical, and cognitive" perspective of making sense of my life, I move on with my life. And, with this online journal, I managed to find time to sort things out as I attempt to articulate connections between new and existing knowledge and hopefully demonstrates my inner learning.

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